This project is going to cover how to start a TGP or Thumbnail Gallery Post, then how to get some traffic started coming into it. This project will require you have your own web hosting space. It will also require a small bit of knowledge of how CGI and PHP scripts work, as well as "cron". If you have no idea what I just said, go to Google right now and type it into the search box. If you're already hip to the terminology and you've got some webspace, lets get started!
Deciding TGP Type
The first step is to decide if you want your TGP auto-updated or manual updated. If you want to do it manually, you can do everything using static HTML files. You can simply place a "submit" page where you've got a form that will be emailed to you containing the submitter's details, gallery details, etc. If you want to make it all fancy with auto-updates every 10 minutes it's going to take a script. If you know PHP or CGI or something like that you can create the site yourself, skip to the next part. If you are not as cool as those who can make their own scripts then there are a couple really good ones out there; AutoGallerySQL and ComusThumbs.
The pre-made buyable scripts are cheap enough to get you started in a couple hours and that time savings is worth a couple bucks. Now when it comes to TGP sites there are a couple different types... Mainly normal, link serving TGPs with no kind of blind links or anything, then you've got what are called "Circle Jerks". These are sites that are part of secret web rings that will send the surfer off to different sites if they don't click an ad banner. Both have their advantages and disadvantages, the decision is up to you. Heck you can do both if you want, the more sites you've got out there, the more opportunity to make cash!
Normal TGP
Nomal TGPs are simply sites that have valid links to galleries and do not contain any kind of blind exit links. The point of this site is to be "credible" to the user. You want to the user to return tomorrow to jack off for free to your free galleries. This isn't a bad idea if you're hoping that some day he's gonna click on ad and buy from you. However, the drawback is that they could be leeching for years and never buy shit! Costing you money in bandwidth for nothing.
Cirlce Jerk TGP
Circle Jerks are set to allow the user a certain number of clicks around on links before they start sending them off to a member of their web ring. The benefit there is that there are thousands of other sites who will potentially send their traffic right to your site if their user doesn't buy anything from them. This keeps your "production" high. Meaning you have a high number of users buying as opposed to leeching. This method however, creates absolutely no return visitors, hence no leeches. You are counting on the principal of "if you ain't buying shit, get the fuck out!" and run as many people past that principal as you can and you've got some cash coming in!
TGP Scripts For Sale
A normal TGP script would basically be AutoGallerySQL, however they have circle jerk capabilities. ComusThumbs is a Circle Jerk script mainly, however you can set it to be normal links. ComusThumbs does offer a very good web ring for their circle jerk product. If you look at their stats on their sales page you can see the success some sites have in production. High traffic sites are going to do really well because the more traffic you send the other circle jerks, the more traffic you get! If you set it to zero, that means anyone coming to your site that is even thinking about getting anything free without clicking a banner is going DIRECTLY back into the circle and you get a "refund" on that hit for a chance at another seeing and clicking on your ads! Boooya! Money in the bank!
Designing The Site
Now that you've got the idea of what kind of site you want to use, you'll want to format it with nice colors that are EASY to read. Use soft backgrounds with hard text colors rather than the other way around. When building a TGP you want to go with absolute minimal graphics use. If the graphic isn't making you a dollar, it's costing you a dollar in bandwidth. Why use it? Text is more valuable to search engines anyway. Screw having anything about your site, have the name for the site in text at the top and everything else on the page should be links to galleries or sales text telling the surfer how much they are loosing out by not clicking that link and signing up.
Populate With Your Own Galleries First.
When you have the design done you'll need to populate the website with links to galleries. Make sure you populate it with your own galleries first! Put in your own galleries you've built, plus galleries you can find here on Porno Dinero and any other sponsor galleries you can find. Most affiliate programs offer what are called FHGs you can populate your site with. FHGs stand for Free Hosted Galleries by the way.
Create Recip Link Images/Text Links
You'll need to create reciprocal links for your website. You can make banners in format of .jpg, or .gif and the size should be either 60x120 pixels or 60x468 as a standard, you can make different ones if you see fit. Along with banner reciprocal links you should also include an optional text link recip with lots of keywords in it.
As an example:
Free Porn Links -
This will create "free porn links" as a usable keyword for the search engines. That link from other websites will tell the search engines that you can find "free porn links" by clicking that link!
Allow Posts From Other Users
You can create user accounts using ComusThumbs or AutoGallerySQL. You can just simply use an email form for manual updated HTML TGPs. The benefit to offering accounts is that you can take submissions from pre-screened users who can automatically be accepted or be put into a separate queue you can accept from later. You can also do account swaps with other websites to allow your buddies only to come in and post galleries in exchange for you having the ability to do the same with their site.
Search Engine Optimization
You need to format your website to be read by a search engine. You need to put all your relevant text to what the site is about in a small area near the top of the page by the URL and title. Also use Meta Tags in the HTML code to tell the search engines exactly what it should display as the description and title for your TGP site. Use a lot of sales text to sell your sponsors, but also use a lot of text ads to describe the sections of your website. Include a lot of niche keywords in the descriptions of your site's categories as well. Link text is valuable to search engines as well as text files.
Text Link Example: Category: Huge Butts
Huge Butts Index Name: huge_butts.html
If you notice I used a "_" in the title. Underscores are seen as spaces by search engines. You can be alot more descriptive, but try not to use more than 3-5 words as the file name or google may think you are "stuffing" for keywords and ding you for it.
SEO Position Monitoring
There are a lot of tools you can use to monitor your Search Engine rankings but the best around is WebPosition Gold which is a program that literally goes out on the web and looks for what keywords you specify, what rank you list in. So say you've got 20 keywords you want to be #1 at, it will check those keywords every day to see where you're at and monitor your progress at getting to that position you want. However it does not do the work for you, it's a monitoring tool. It saves you time which equals money.
Finish The Website
The design does not really matter, just make sure it's got plenty of text, well placed format for search engines to read, which is very similar to how humans read, if you have your site reading top left to bottom right, you'll be good with the search engines. Look around at how the biggest guys are formatted and do something similar to that. Google up "TGP" and the top guy has got the best search engine optimization around. Mock his format but don't COPY it! The most important part of building the website, however... is FINISHING it. Make sure you complete the website 100% before you go launching it.
Post On Boards For Submitters
You can post on adult webmaster forums for people to hurry and come over to post your galleries on your TGP and you'll get plenty of adult webmasters coming over to post their stuff! There will be no shortage of posters, no sir! You've got to be careful though, there are cheaters out there who will steal your traffic or put pop ups or auto dialers on your site, so monitor your links and watch who is posting.
Post On Boards For Link Trades
You can also post on webmaster forums looking for link exchanges and trades as well. You will need to have some traffic to trade of course. You can build up your traffic and ranking by hosting all of your TGP galleries that you are submitting to other sites under your TGP domain name. That will create inbound links to that URL and will bump the relevance of the domain and rank of the domain, and of course, you should put your own recip link on every single gallery you make and submit to other TGPs.
Google Site Map You can control when and what pages google visits by using a tool called Site Maps. This is a file you put on your web server that tells google what pages it can and cannot index and how often it should come back and check for new stuff. If your page realistically changes every day, have it come every day, if it doesn't update accept for every 2-3 months have it stop by every 2 months. That will allow google's computers to better index and update it's records for you and will improve your ranking.